Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cloth Diaper Trial Wrap up

The week has come to an end and here are my final thoughts on our Cloth Diaper Trial run. 
I liked the cloth diapers enough to a) continue using them for another week, adding in night time and out and about, b)pick up some from a friend that her daughter can no longer use in order to increase my stash, and c)look into buying enough for a 3 day supply.  In short, I think I'm going to switch.  My biggest factor in the decision?  Cost.  With 12 diapers I have all ready, plus the extra diapers my friend will be lending me, I would only need to spend between $100 and $200 to buy enough diapers for a 3 day supply, plus a diaper sprayer.  So, for less than $200 I can diaper Bree for the next 2 years.  That's worth it to me!  Besides...have I mentioned that they're darn stinkin' cute?

1 comment:

Megan said...

For night time use I recommend a doubler. It's an absolute must! I'm glad you liked them! They work well for our kids as well :)